Sondervick College, Veldhoven

21/12/2006 19:36

Campaign to raise money by the Sondervick College, a secondary school in Veldhoven, The Netherlands


In the school year 2005-2006 the campaign to raise money for orphaned children in Mbeya was a great success.

The VMBO-department (Zoestreet in Veldhoven) did a marvelous job. 205 pupils were inspired by the story they heard from a teacher at school. They were moved after he had explained the situation to them and as always the children of the lower school did their utmost to raise as much money as they could and ended up with a staggering amount of € 6800,00 !!! Thank you so much for this tremendous effort!

After the summer holidays they were shown the video and photos of the situation in Mbeya. Have a look yourself on the website of this school: